2023 Baja Sardines and Striped Marlin Trip Report

2023 Baja, Mexico Magdalena Bay Sardine Run & Striped Marlin

In November 2023 my guests and I encountered the best sardine run action at Magdalena Bay seen in many years. The size of the sardine schools and the number of predators made it an exceptionally great year for photography. We were surprised by the presence of Mahi Mahi, whales, and dolphins. Striped marlin were plentiful and encounters long. Of course the sea lions were there to keep in humorous. Diving in Cabo Pulmo was a beautiful finish.

2022 Underwater photography

2022 My Year in Review

Another busy year of travel is coming to a close. Things feel back to normal but my take away from the pandemic was to take advantage of last minute, small, and local underwater opportunities. This year presented old favorites and new locations that may become annual favorites.