Whale Sharks Season 2018
This year was characterized by the number and quality of giant manta ray sightings we enjoyed. Our guests were very happy to be able to get in the water with groups of them on several occasions. Our boat captains have become quite good at finding mantas while on our way to the whale shark aggregation.
We enjoyed great weather on most of the days. One of the days we returned at the end of the day in a storm, but we have always been lucky to avoid any tropical storms by visiting in July. The whale sharks were at peak numbers and very concentrated around food sources which lay on the surface.
The guests had many chances to get in the water each day with the whale sharks enjoying clear water and calm seas. The whale sharks were feeding on the surface making it easy to snorkel and to make great images.
It is special to see a whale shark feed in a vertical position: the locals call it “bottle feeding” . This can last for quite a while with the whale shark pumping its mouth open and closed close to the surface in order to draw in large volumes of water. A majestic spectacle!
In more than 8 years of visits this one stands out as one of the best. I had the company of some great people, Mind blowing wildlife encounters, some good food and drink, and great photography.
I will return again in 2019 with a new group of people to share this must do, awesome experience with.
Get Details about my 2019 Trip
I will also be pairing this trip with American Crocodiles in Chinchorro, Mexico (a few hours S. of Cancun)
Crocodiles 2019 Trip Details