Every October and November, polar bears congregate in the Churchill area to await the return of the sea ice and access to their preferred prey: the ringed seal. This year our trip to Churchill was in late October. The weather…
Whale Sharks Season 2017 My whale shark season started down in Xcalak, Mexico just south of Cancun where I did something really unique: got in the shallow water with American Crocodiles.! We survived and some of us came back north…
Photographing American Crocodiles at Banco Chinchorro, Quintana Roo, Mexico (Cancun area) With Reef diving at Chinchorro This is a place few people have been to and a chance to see and photograph pristine Caribbean reefs and also get close to…
Tiger Sharks and Hammerheads Dive Trip in Bahamas Join my next Tiger Shark and Hammerhead Trip to Tiger Beach See the schedule at TigerSharkDive.com see our current trips at www.TigerSharkDive.com and www.GregorySweeney.com Trip Report 2017 This year was our first year combining Tiger…
Isla Mujeres is a great base for your Whale Shark Adventure After a day out on the water with the Whale Sharks and Mantas, it is great to relax and dry out with a walk around through the streets of…
Sailfish and Sardines in Isla Mujeres, Mexico Trip Report 2017 2017 Highlights: Sailfish along with bonus Whale Sharks, Dolphins, and Giant Manta Rays. See my upcoming trips to snorkel the Sardine Run with Striped Marlins in Baja, Mexico Here This…
A Special Opportunity to Join a Most Exciting Marine Wildlife Encounter Sailfish Hunting Bait Balls in Isla Mujeres Our next adventure will be February 1 – 7 2019 See my upcoming trips to snorkel the Sardine Run with Striped Marlins…
Every October and November, polar bears congregate in the Churchill area to await the return of the sea ice and access to their preferred prey: the ringed seal. We headed up in late October, which is the middle of the…
This season was full of whale sharks, some mantas and nice clear water and good weather. Here is a collect of some of my images from this year (See dates for my latest trip at http://www.PhotographWhaleSharks.com) See all of my…
Diving with Tiger Sharks and Photographing in the Bahamas 2016 The trip always starts with the packing. I packed as efficiently as possible. Years of experience has taught me what I need and what is not necessary. I picked up…